Happiness Comes in Small Doses

When I first brought Dutchess home Dukie would not play with her no matter how much she tried to instigate with him… Even when she punctured his neck twice!. Now that she is growing they play like this every day outside. Watching these two play is one of the highlights of each day. It brings me such joy. Dukie is so gentle with Dutchess and I haven’t had to reprimand him even once. He seems to instinctively know her size and how rough is enough. I love these two hounds with all my heart ❤

Reach Out!

World Suicide Prevention Day Meme
Meme from “Loss of a Loved One to Suicide” Facebook support group.

Today is World Suicide Prevent Day. Despite all of the press about suicide rates going up… they continue to rise. 🙁

If you are feeling suicidal, depressed, lost or just down… Reach out! I am always here to talk, chat online and help in any way that I can. There are other people who will also help. I know you often feel alone, but you are not. You are NOT alone. I have been there. I know the feelings of giving up and just wanting to go to sleep and never wake up.

A year ago I was featured in an NBC Today show piece on survivors of suicide. You can watch and read the entire piece here….
