My next open and free public talk on issues of mental health, PTSD, bullying, suicide and the stigma of mental illness will be December 9th at 7 PM at the Hampton Volunteer Fire Company #33 in Hampton, NY.
Tag: suicide prevention
Open Talk about Mental Illness and Suicide
My next open and free public talk on issues of mental health, PTSD, bullying, suicide and the stigma of mental illness will be October 24th at 6:30 PM at the American Legion Post 323 in Granville, NY.
OK On the Outside, But Inside…
Yesterday was a very hard day for me. I have been trying to work on my book a little each day. Yesterday morning I was writing about a relationship I had where I was repeatedly lied to, used and manipulated… much to my significant detriment.
As I was writing I found myself getting angry… muttering things like, “Fucking Bitch!” or worse. However, in typical fashion for me, my outward anger quickly turned into inward anger… anger at myself and feelings of wanting to hurt myself. I had errands to run after writing which had me driving more than 80 miles from here to there.
As I was driving and interacting with various people I looked fine on the outside. I drove the speed limit. I wasn’t driving erratically. I smiled at people when I met them in stores and asked them how they were. On the outside I looked perfectly “normal.” But on the inside… I was dying, or wanting to die or hurt myself. I had thoughts of burning my arm with cigarettes, or cutting my arms with razor blades, or crashing the car, or asking a friend to literally beat the shit out of me. Externally induced physical pain is much easier to “process” and heal from than the emotional devastation I was feeling. A physical bruise heals… my heart, not so much and certainly not nearly as quickly!
So why write about this? Because much of the stigma of mental illness comes from the fact that it is “hidden.” Most of the time it’s an internal condition unlike a broken arm or even cancer that can have visible symptoms. Someone can look perfectly “normal” on the outside but truly be struggling to hold on to life on the inside. You never know what someone is feeling inside by their outward appearance… so maybe cut someone a break once in a while.
Reach Out!
Today is World Suicide Prevent Day. Despite all of the press about suicide rates going up… they continue to rise.
If you are feeling suicidal, depressed, lost or just down… Reach out! I am always here to talk, chat online and help in any way that I can. There are other people who will also help. I know you often feel alone, but you are not. You are NOT alone. I have been there. I know the feelings of giving up and just wanting to go to sleep and never wake up.
A year ago I was featured in an NBC Today show piece on survivors of suicide. You can watch and read the entire piece here….