I Do Exist & I Do Matter

This afternoon there was a pre-trial lawyers conference related to my impending divorce from Lena. After the lawyers met, I talked with my lawyer at the court house. She relayed what Lena’s lawyer had said… and I just could not believe what I was hearing. When I got home I started to write a post in response to the claims being made about me and my life of the past eight years. While writing that post I had a kind of psychological breakthrough in terms of better understanding why I feel so much pain surrounding the loss of something that apparently was never what I thought it was.

One of the claims being made by Lena’s lawyer (which is a total lie being perpetrated upon the court) is that I never lived in Rivertown with Lena and her children. When I came home I brought up 10,000+ pictures, literally, that I had taken of Lena and her kids in Westchester. Pictures of Lena, pictures of the kids playing sports, pictures of the kids in school plays and concerts and pictures of me with Lena and the kids. As I looked at these pictures I started screaming inside my head, “I did exist! I was there! I mattered! It was real!.”

The lie being told in court today was that I never lived in Rivertown… which would then negate everything that I did do there… all of the times I drove the kids to school and picked them up from school… all of the sports practices and games that I attended and photographed… all of the concerts, plays and recitals that I went to and photographed… This lie negates all of the time I spent there as an integral part of a family. This lie has a gaslighting affect… Was I not there? Did I not do all of these things that I clearly remember? No! I was there, sometimes for extended periods of time (despite Lena and I agreeing when we got married that I would only be down there up to 50% of the time… I was often down there much more than 50% of the time and I have witnesses willing to testify under oath to that in court) and I did do all of these things… and I have PROOF! I have the photographs that I took that prove I was there. How do I have 10-20,000 photos taken of the kids and their friends and classmates if I was never there? How do I literally have thousands of photographs of Lena if I was never there? I was there!!!

In my Rivertown photo studio doing Samantha’s hair after she put mine into ponytails.

As this was roiling through my mind it struck me that this theme of being negated and feeling unimportant or even as if I did not exist, was one that has run through most of my life dating back to when I was four years old.

First let me say, unequivocally, that I loved my father and I love my mother and brother… I loved Ava, Aubrey and Lena. However, each of these relationships left me questioning if I mattered and feeling totally negated and worthless and at times as if I might not have even existed in the ways I remembered or thought I had.

Me with my mother and father as an infant.

When I was four years old my mother was pregnant with my brother when she was hit by a drunk driver. This accident caused my brother to be born twelve weeks early and very sick. Both of my parents had some serious emotional problems and both of them responded to the accident and early birth of my brother differently and perhaps, in retrospect, wrongly. My father withdrew further from the family unit and more into his work. My mother spend most of her time caring for my infant brother who was very ill. I don’t have specific memories of feeling negated or abandoned at the age of four, but I must have. Prior to my brothers birth I am not convinced that my mother and I had a “normal and healthy” mother-son relationship; but afterwards we definitely did not. Many first born children find it difficult to adapt to life after the next sibling is born and they have to share the love, affection and time of their parents with the newborn. Add on to this the fact that my brother was so ill and the affects must have been much more… and how would my four year old brain deal with those feelings of negation and abandonment?

Me with my father, mother and brother.

From the ages of four to fourteen my emotional problems only got worse. I got into trouble at school. I was often in trouble at home. I acted up to get any attention that I could from whomever I could. Then around the age of fifteen my parents separated and got divorced. By this time my mother and I were not close at all so I stayed on Long Island with my father and his new wife, who was horrible to me for many many years. My mother and brother moved into New York City and I did not see them often (both my fault and my mother’s).

Whatever sense of belonging or feelings of mattering were blown apart by my parents divorce. My father’s new wife never accepted his children as part of the “package” when she married him. When I was sixteen years old my step-mother told me point blank, “I married your father, not his children.” And, my father allowed this to stand! Can you imagine how negating that felt? My own father, whom I loved so dearly and looked up to for so many years, allowed his wife to push me off to the side.

Me with my father and step-mother in 2013.

From the age of fourteen to twenty-four I moved something like 11 or 12 times! I had no roots. I did not have a sense of belonging anywhere. My therapist at the Austen Riggs Center said that I had “homelessness syndrome.”

Ave and me, Dec 23 1994

At the age of 23 I married Ava… and started to develop roots. At the end of our second year of marriage we moved to Georgia and bought a house. It wasn’t a great house, but it was ours. I really started to nest and foster the growth of roots both in our “family unit” and in the community. We made friends and were active in the community. I was building a successful business. I loved that home and even though I had no idea back then about anything construction related, I did do my best working on the house and making it ours.

Me and Ava dressed to the 9s for one of Ava’s work events.

In 1998, after shooting myself but before the overdose and ensuing stay at Austen Riggs, I wrote an essay entitled “Borderline Diaries.” This is an excerpt from that essay…

When I packed up my little car and left Georgia I was leaving more that just Ava.  But let’s start with that.  I left my wife.  Despite the fact that I did not always treat Ava as well as I could have, I loved her more than I had ever loved any one in my entire life.  Although she didn’t realize it at the time, and still doesn’t, she was the center of my universe.  She was the lone bright star in an otherwise dark and dismal life.  I was not able to be the man… the husband… that she needed me to be.  But I would have done anything within my power to make her happy.  Unfortunately, I was so mentally ill at the time that I was not able to be the husband that she desired.  So, she asked me to leave.  And not knowing what else to do and not wanting to cause her more pain than I already had… I left.

Like I said before, when I left Georgia I lost a lot more than Ava (as if that weren’t enough).  I also left behind the house I loved and the lawn and gardens I had worked so hard to make beautiful.  I don’t think that most people realized how much that house meant to me.  You see, between the ages of fourteen and twenty-four (10 years) I had moved eleven times.  I almost felt homeless all of those years.  I did not have roots anywhere.  Then when I was twenty-four Ava and I bought the house in Georgia.  I came to realize after we bought the house that is was a piece of junk.  But that did not matter to me.  It was finally a place I could call mine; a place I could call home.  Additionally when I left Georgia and moved to Vermont I left behind my friends, my business, and a way of life.  In one seventeen-hour car trip I lost every single indicator of who and what I was in the world.  I was stripped of everything.  I was nothing.  I had nothing.  I felt so lost that mere words cannot make one understand what I was going through.

As soon as I moved out of our house in Georgia, Ava’s boyfriend moved in; she was literally cooking dinner for him in “our” home the next night. They got married shortly after our divorce was finalized. Due to the way that the marriage ended, for years I wondered if Ava ever thought about me. Had she really loved me? When did she stop loving me? Was any of it real? The same theme of negation was a constant undercurrent in my consciousness.

A year or so after I was out of Austen Riggs, I started to date Aubrey. She and her three daughters moved into my mother’s second home with me where I was living at the time.

Aubrey and me at a wedding in NYC.

Aubrey and I were probably doomed from the start… I was only a year out of Austen Riggs and 18 months out from shooting myself. She left a severely abusive husband and moved right in with me. These are not the best circumstances to start a relationship. But we tried. I went from living alone to living with a woman and her three children. Instant family! Instant responsibility! Aubrey and I had some amazing times… and some very bad times… but I loved her and her children fiercely. After living together for four years, Aubrey and her children moved out. Here one day, gone the next… negated yet again. Unfortunately, the circumstances surrounding our breakup really fucked with my head. Again I found myself wondering what was real. Was any of it real? Had I made the intense love I thought we felt for one another up in my head? When did she stop loving me? Would I ever be loved? Was I just not lovable? Was I just defective on some very core level?

Aubrey and I stayed in touch until shortly after I married Lena. I loved Aubrey’s girls and probably loved her for several years even after we broke up.

Me with Aubrey and two of her girls on a Halloween a couple of years after we broke up.

Five years after Aubrey and I broke up, I started to date Lena in March of 2010. We dated for 9 months and got engaged on New Year’s Eve 2011 and married 7 months later in July of 2011

Me, Lena, Samantha and Daniel on our wedding day. July 11, 2011

Lena and I had a good life and a good marriage for a while. I loved her and her children dearly. I would have done anything for them. I tried everything for them. I risked everything, including my very life and sanity, for them… and then it was over. Here today, gone tomorrow. Negated once again. I lost another family, home, business and all of the groundings that held me in life. Once again I was asking if I was just so damaged that I could never be loved. Once again I was made (and manipulated) into questioning my sanity and my very memories.

Me with Lena, Samantha and Daniel on the day of Daniel’s bar mitzvah.

So… I am almost 50 years old. In some ways I am a huge “success.” I have lived 20 years longer than anyone thought I would. Statistically speaking, I am a Deadman Living. I am constantly working on myself… looking at myself, my motivations and my actions and the consequences of those actions… to the point of neurosis probably. I have made huge progress on issues such as my temper, my serpent’s tongue, my patience with other people and on forgiveness, both for other people and for myself.

Unfortunately, those negating questions remain: Will I ever be truly loved? Am I lovable? If I am not in love/being loved, do I exist? Is there something so broken inside of me that I should just accept and embrace being alone the rest of my life? Was I born this way with some fractured psyche or did the events of my toddler years set the stage for this?

I don’t know the answers to those questions, but what I fully realized today while working on another post is that I do exist… in this world…And, I do matter… in this world… regardless of whether my parents and then lovers could see it or express it.

Me at my 5th birthday party.

As Tears Go By

This song has been in my head recently…


“It is the evening of the day
I sit and watch the children play
Smiling faces I can see
But not for me
I sit and watch
As tears go by

My riches can’t buy everything
I want to hear the children sing
All I hear is the sound
Of rain falling on the ground
I sit and watch
As tears go by

It is the evening of the day
I sit and watch the children play
Doing things I used to do
They think are new
I sit and watch
As tears go by”

Knowing She Wanted Me to Suicide… Kept Me Alive

I wasn’t looking to get married.  I had been down that road before and I had gotten burned, badly.  I started to date Lena in 2010 and I fell for her hard and quickly, but it wasn’t me that pushed to get married.  Lena wanted to get married and so we did.  I don’t remember when this conversation happened, but we were sitting on a bark bench looking out on the Hudson River in Rivertown.  It was either shortly before we got married or shortly afterwards.  I remember Lena asking how long it would take for my walls to come down and for me to fully trust that she loved me and would always be there for me.  Lena said disparaging things about the women in my life prior to her… things along the lines of, “These women really fucked you up.  I am not those women.”  Lena went on to reiterate that she would not hurt me and that she was in this for the long haul.  Furthermore, she said, “I am going to love you like no other woman ever has.  I’m gonna love you better.”  That should have been a huge red flag, and it probably was… but I ignored it because I did love her, and I did want to spend the rest of my life with her.

Life happened and seven and a half years later Lena no longer wanted to be by my side.  Lena no longer wanted to be married to me.  Lena wanted a divorce; just like Ava and several of “those women from my past,” who had destroyed my heart and my trust in love.  When Ava wanted the divorce, she told me point blank and it was over.  Lena didn’t end things that way.  Lena told me to leave and then things stayed that way for a few months.  I had hired a matrimony lawyer to represent my interests in the divorce.  The lawyer had Lena served with papers and Lena totally freaked out.  How could I do this to her?  Couldn’t we deal with this just the two of us without lawyers?  Lena convinced me to fire my lawyer against everyone’s advice.  I did fire my lawyer.  Lena immediately started pressuring me to sign a legal separation agreement without the counsel of a lawyer; just weeks after the death of my father. 

After the death of my father, asking me when I will be coming down to Rivertown next because she supposedly wanted to see me and spend time with me. It was all lies and manipulation. I fell for all of it.


Then Lena said that she needed a legal separation so that she could rediscover who she was and who we were to each other.  This was the first calculated vicious manipulation towards getting me to commit suicide.  I didn’t understand what Lena was asking for.  Yes, of course I know what a legal separation is, but I did not understand what she meant when she said that she needed this so we could rediscover who we were to each other.  I asked her, “What does that mean?  Are we going to sign a legal separation agreement and then start dating each other?”  She answered that she did not know… maybe.  Seriously.  And I, the love blind idiot I was, agreed.  Luckily, I did ad some language to the separation agreement that made it non-binding. 

All my friends and family said that I was being manipulated and that I was being an idiot. Part of me thought it was ridiculous and that I probably was being an idiot… but Lena had said that I was the love of her life.  She said she still loved me.  She still proclaimed that I was the love of her life as we were signing the separation agreement.  I have hundreds of pages of texts between us filled with proclamations of love from her to me and me to her.  In these texts she tells me she still loves me.  She tells me that I am still the love of her life.  She tells me that she needs this separation for herself so that she can rebuild herself and discover who she now is.

Just days before getting me to sign a separation agreement.

I went down to Rivertown a month or so before we signed the separation agreement and Lena and I met in a park down by the Hudson.  We spoke for a couple of hours sitting on a bench.  She put her arms around me.  She put her arms around my neck.  She held my hand… and when we parted, she kissed me passionately… I mean deep tongue kiss like we did when we first started to date… with tears in her eyes telling me that she loved me.  This happened again on the day we signed the separation agreement… After signing the document in front of a notary, we were out in the bank parking lot and she hugged me… tightly… with tears running down her face and she kissed me deeply passionately again.  As we parted, she told me that she loved me.  I never saw her again until we both had to show up to divorce court.

The separation agreement clearly states that Lena had to maintain my health insurance.  Within a few months she cancelled my insurance.  I no longer had access to doctors or prescription medications unless I could pay cash out of pocket.  Lena switched jobs and claimed that her new employer wouldn’t cover me; I don’t know if that is true.  Regardless, she was legally required to maintain health insurance for me, and she did not.  She did buy some totally bogus health plan that supposedly covers 4 or 5 doctor visits a year and some medications.  Every doctor I showed the card to said it was fake and I had to pay cash out of pocket. 

When Lena and I first started to date I was 100% honest with her about all my mental health issues and history.  She knows all about my suicidality and suicide attempts and anxieties over abandonment issues.  During our marriage Lena experienced both my depression and suicidal ideation.  I was totally honest and open with her more than I had ever been with anyone in my life.  When we separated, she used all of what I had told her against me.  I don’t mean that she used it against me in court… she used it to manipulate me into signing a separation agreement under totally false pretenses (that we would date and that she still loved me).  She used my unconditional love of her and her children to convince me to fire my attorney.  Then after the death of my father, which she knew was devastating to me, she cancelled my health insurance cutting me off from doctors and antidepressant medications and my pain medications. 

How could anyone look at the lies and manipulations Lena perpetrated combined with cutting off necessary medical care and not conclude that she wanted me to kill myself?  Being a widow to a dead husband you no longer love, need, or care about, is certainly easier than being a two-time divorcee.  Yes, I think that Lena would prefer for me to kill myself and that she has done her best to manipulate both my mood and my access to health care towards that goal.  I won’t give her the satisfaction.  Knowing that she wants me to suicide has pissed me off enough that although I have been suicidally depressed at times, I won’t give her the satisfaction!  So, I am alive 😛  

Worst Advice Given to Young People…

“Don’t worry… You have plenty of time.”

When I was in my teens and 20’s, my paternal grandmother, Nana, use to always tell me this, “Don’t worry Richard. You have plenty of time to figure out XYZ.” I know Nana meant well and that she loved me dearly, but there was and is no worse advice that can be given to a young person, in my opinion.

Time is the most valuable thing in our lives because it’s the one thing that we can never get back. We can always earn more money, switch careers, go back to school, marry, etc. Even though I was suicidal by the age of 10 and never looked forward to much in life and thought my time here was short, I still did not value time and wasted soooo much of it.

My advice to young people would be to get as many experiences as possible because at some point life will bog you down and you may not get the chance again. Now I am not talking about getting experiences like getting drunk or doing drugs… take it from someone who has been though some shit… nothing good comes from drugs or alcohol; and this most definitely includes marijuana. Period. (The occasional artist who claims to have found inspiration through drugs and alcohol is almost guaranteed to also be a miserable SOB or now dead.)

No, I am talking about meeting different kinds of people. Experiencing different ways of life. Looking outside the bubble you are growing up in and open yourself up to all of the possibilities of the universe. And yes, you are growing up in a bubble regardless of whether you are growing up in NYC or east bumfuck redneckville. I grew up on a college campus in a college town an hour outside NYC and thought it had offered me insight to a wide range of life; and perhaps it did, but it was still a bubble and there was so much more to the world and life than I experienced growing up at Stony Brook University.

Figure out what you are passionate about, because you may not have the chance later in life. Pursue your passions. If you want to paint, then paint. If you want to write, then write. If you want to help people, then help people. Pursue multiple passions. Don’t pigeonhole yourself (life will try to do that on its’ own). Do it now! Tomorrow may be too late. Life happens… we go to school, we get jobs, we get married, we have kids, we have jobs, we take on enormous stupid debt and then we’re stuck and may not have the chance to figure out what truly makes us tick. If you think this sounds too negative or unrealistic… log onto an online dating site and read the profiles of people in their late 30′ and 40’s! These sites are filled with people who let life get away from them and find themselves alone and unfulfilled as adults… at ages where it may be too late.

Now I am not talking about finding your passion in terms of figuring out what you want to do in life or as a career. Not everyone works at a job associated with a passion. Perhaps your passion will be a life long hobby or interest, regardless, figure it out as earlier as possible. Passions can support us when life gets hard, and life will get hard.

Also, and perhaps more importantly than passions, value the time you have with people whom you care about and love because we never know when those people will no longer be in our lives. Be appreciative of the teacher that takes the extra time to explain something to you or check on you when you obviously are struggling. Tell the people you love that you love them — don’t assume they know — tell them and tell them often… whether it’s a parent or grand parent or cousin or friend or lover. If you love someone don’t hold back and don’t be afraid to tell them. Don’t be stingy with your heart because you think that you have more time. Seriously, if today were the last day of your life who would you want to know that they were loved by you? Tell them. Show them in not just your words but in your actions. Don’t assume you will have time to make up for being an ass; we often don’t.

Plan for a future but don’t assume there will be a future. There is something to the old cliche, “Live each day as if you are dying,” because whether you are imminently dying or not, we are all dying all of the time, so make the most of every moment. Please.

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way.
Kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
Waiting for someone or something to show you the way.Tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain.
You are young and life is long and there is time to kill today.
And then one day you find ten years have got behind you.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun.So you run and you run to catch up with the sun but it’s sinking
Racing around to come up behind you again.
The sun is the same in a relative way but you’re older,
Shorter of breath and one day closer to death.Every year is getting shorter never seem to find the time.
Plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way
The time is gone, the song is over,
Thought I’d something more to say.Home
Home again
I like to be here
When I canWhen I come home
Cold and tired
It’s good to warm my bones
Beside the fireFar away
Across the field
Tolling on the iron bell
Calls the faithful to their knees
To hear the softly spoken magic spell


Gut — Brain Link Proven!

I have been talking about the gut-brain connection for years. In addition to my depression and suicidality, I have had gut issues for most of my life. Some of my fondest memories of my marriage to Lena (who is a neuroscientist) were discussing the possibilities of this linkage… and now it’s proven!!!


Don’t Listen to the Depression

The past couple of weeks have been horrible. I have been in a deep depression that started building around Thanksgiving and just blew up my mind between Christmas and New Year. On January 2nd I started writing a post looking back on 2019 and talking about some hopes for 2020, but it has been too painful to finish on top of my depression and immense physical pain.

“Normal” depression whispers all kind of self defeating things in ones ear. Severe depression is like standing in front of a concert speaker stack, with these negatives thoughts of self, just bombarding all of your senses.

  • You are not enough.
  • You are not good enough.
  • You are not smart enough.
  • You are not driven enough.
  • You are not good enough to be worthy of love.
  • You are not enough to attract the type of woman you want.
  • You are not worthy of love anyway.
  • You will never find someone who loves you for you without intentions of changing or “fixing” you.
  • No one ever stays, so do not connect with anyone.
  • You aren’t good looking enough…
  • You are too fat…
  • too old…
  • too tired
  • Whatever good you may have had coming to you in your life has come and gone.
  • You will always be alone.
  • You don’t deserve to be happy let alone content or at peace.

It’s not just negative and self defeating thought… you can feel the thoughts all around you. You hear them in random movie lines or music. In a state like this thoughts and memories from the past fill my being. I am filled with a lifetime of sadnesses that I can recall as if I was right back there… I remember the good and then the bad. It’s all always there, right below the surface. In times like this these memories take over my existence.

And the whole time I am walking through the playback of my life, I am thinking of various things I should be writing down here for a blog post… the experience is draining, emotionally and physically. Imagine living the collection of your whole life’s best and worst moments all in the matter of a few days or weeks. A lifetime of great moments and a lifetime of pain and loss… all converging and pouring through your mind in the briefest of periods. I spend half the day crying… the other half of the day in excruciating physical pain.

I think it’s dark and it looks like it’s rain, you said
And the wind is blowing like it’s the end of the world, you said

And it’s so cold, it’s like the cold if you were dead
And you smiled for a second

I think I’m old and I’m feeling pain, you said
And it’s all running out like it’s the end of the world, you said

And it’s so cold, it’s like the cold if you were dead
And you smiled for a second

Sometimes you make me feel
Like I’m living at the edge of the world
Like I’m living at the edge of the world
It’s just the way I smile, you said

Expectation is the Seed of All Disappointment

How 3 Generations Suffered Depression Due to Expectations and Disappointment within a Family

Monday, November 25, 2019 5AM

I just awoke from a very strange dream. In the dream my aunt and uncle invited me to stay with them to finish writing my book. This may not sound very strange to people who don’t know me, but let me explain. I have an uncle, my father’s brother Jonathan Cole, but I have no relationship with him or his family and haven’t for some time now. The choice to cut ties with Uncle Jon was made in anger, but had been coming for a very long time. In the dream the whole family was gathered at the apartment of my Aunt and Uncle (not the actual apartment they live in but some fantastical apartment that doesn’t and couldn’t exist anywhere). It makes sense that I would dream of getting together at Uncle Jon’s this week, fore when I was a kid the whole family gathered at his NYC apartment for Thanksgiving for many years. It also makes sense that I dreamed of him specifically last night because yesterday was the 21st anniversary of when I shot myself… and Uncle Jon (and his family) did not come to visit me in the hospital after I survived the shooting.

One might assume, because of this dream, that I miss my Uncle… and I do, but not the man he became but rather the great man I once thought he was and I know that he could have been. This might sound ridiculous to people who know Jon as many think that he is a great man. He has been married to the same woman for close to 50 years. He has 2 fairly healthy children and 2 grandchildren. He was very successful monetarily… He is part of the 1%. He was successful in his career, being one of the longest serving Provosts of Columbia University. He has published several books and is considered such an expert on higher education that the Chinese Government hired him as a consultant and flew him to China to give advice on building the world’s largest and “best” public research university in the world. These all definitely sound like the trappings of a successful man in our society.

Stephen and Ann Cole with 3 day old Richard D. Cole
My mother and father with me at 3 days old. You can see that my father’s right shoulder is much higher than the left because of his Scoliosis.

I mentioned that I once thought Uncle Jon was a great man… and this was true, when I was a small child before my parents divorce. I thought the world of him but not because of the societal trappings of success that he now has and had started to gather back then. My father, Stephen Cole, was a sick man in many ways. He had a very bad curvature of the spine (Scoliosis) that ultimately caused him to lose almost 70% of his lung capacity. As a child I can remember that one shoulder was always significantly higher than the other. My father made enough money to afford custom made suits in which extra padding was added to the low side shoulder to make him appear “even.” Towards the end of his life there was no hiding the effects of the Scoliosis; he looked like a hunch back. My father also suffered from crippling arthritis at times and chronic migraine syndrome for most of his adult life. Overall, he wasn’t a “well man.” On top of his physical ailments my father was very narcissistic personally and competitive in his work. All of this meant that he never played ball with my brother or me. He didn’t take us to ball games. He didn’t encourage us to pursue things that we were interested in. He encouraged us to pursue the things that he had been good at… getting good grades and making money.

Jonathan R. Cole playing with catch with Richard D. Cole.
My Uncle Jonathan playing catch with me and comforting me when I got hurt. He must have brought the football because I don’t remember ever owning one as a kid.

When my uncle and his family would visit us out on Long Island he would play ball with me outside. I was too young to emotionally understand what I was thinking, but I elevated my Uncle to hero status because he wasn’t “sick” like my father. Uncle Jon doesn’t have scoliosis and stands over six feet tall. He is a handsome man. He was smart and well spoken… and much more soft spoken than my father, who had a tendency to be loud and aggressive in his speech (perhaps to make up for the fact that he was physically weak?). When I was a small child I can remember looking forward to seeing Uncle Jon and looking up to him so much.

When my parents separated and were getting divorced, Uncle Jon told me that if I ever needed someone to talk with or if I wanted to come visit in NYC… all I had to do was call and he gave me his number. But that turned out to be an empty promise. I reacted very negatively to my parents divorce. I was a problem angry kid prior to their divorce and only got worse through their dismantling of our family.

I remember that I tried talking to Jonathan a couple of times. He did not know how to deal with my anger; most people didn’t… and then he was gone. There were no invites to the city. There were no invites to join his family on vacation to the country, the Caribbean or Europe. He has had a house on Martha’s Vineyard for more than 20 years and never once has an invitation been offered even though he specifically said one would be. Invitations from Lena and me to come to our home in Rivertown were turned down. I expected my uncle to be present in my life and I was disappointed.

It wasn’t just me that was let down, Jonathan totally abandoned my brother; in some regards more so than me. My younger brother Walt, lived less than 20 blocks from our aunt and uncle in NYC all through high school and even closer during college… and during all of that time I don’t think Jonathan had Walt over for dinner once, other than the obligatory Thanksgiving get together. Walt went to Columbia University where Jon worked… and not one lunch or breakfast… not one cup of coffee. What kind of man does that? I expected my uncle to be there for Walt and was disappointed when he wasn’t. There’s no excuse, but it was indicative of a larger issue.

Uncle Jon, Nana and my father.

From the mid 1980’s until my father’s death last year there had been an ever deepening divide between the families of these two brothers (my father and uncle) who once were so close.

From what I have been told my father and his brother were very close all through college and graduate school. They both attended Columbia University at the same time. They both majored in sociology. They both went on to hey PhDs in sociology from Columbia studying under the same mentor, Robert K. Merton. Even at the beginning of their professional careers they remained close working together on research projects and books. “The Cole Brothers” were known as a formidable force!

Very early in his career (around 1969) my father left a tenure track position at Columbia and moved our to Long Island and started his career at The State University of New York at Stony Brook (which would later be renamed, Stony Brook University). I honestly am not sure why my father made this choice and he would come to dislike Long Island intensely later in life. He did become the youngest full professor in Stony Brook University’s history, and I believe he still hold this record to this day.

My mother after my birth, Joanna Lewis Cole, Jonathan R. Cole and Sylvia Cole
My mother after my birth, Joanna Lewis Cole, Jonathan R. Cole and Sylvia Cole, in Port Jefferson, NY

At this point the brothers were still very close… working together and visiting each other and their mother, who lived in Queens, often. When I started to write this blog post I dug through some old family albums that my mother has lent me in order for me to digitize them and found these photos from the year I was born. I have to admit that I was somewhat shocked or, perhaps more accurately… bewildered by the photo of my father holding me up to his face between him and my Aunt Joanna.

My father, me at 6 months old, and Aunt Joanna

As far back as I can remember, I have always felt that my Aunt Joanna didn’t like me. I can’t put a finger on exactly when I was aware of feeling this way as my childhood before the age of 10 is fairly blocked in my memory… but I always felt that she looked down on me or didn’t approve of me for some reason unbeknownst to me, as a child. As a young adult I was keenly aware that Joanna and her children did not care for me and at the time I thought it was because I was an unapologetic outspoken conservative. My uncle and his family were fairly liberal back then and only became more liberal as time went on.

My mother claims that when I was 7 or 8 at a family get together, I called my cousin Daniel a “fag.” I don’t remember this. If I did indeed do this I must have been mimicking my father, who didn’t really have anything against homosexuals but was just an ass. It was clear from a very young age that Dan was homosexual. His parents and my grandmother Sylvia, Nana, were all in denial until he came out of the closest some time in college or shortly thereafter. Once Dan came out he was 100% accepted by everyone in the family. Perhaps my uncle’s family thought I did not approve because I was a “conservative,” but nothing could have been further from the truth. In college I was a hardcore Libertarian style conservative and I couldn’t care less about anyone’s sexuality. My mother also claims that Jonathan and Joanna did not agree with how my mother and father were dealing with me being a “difficult child.” So, according to my mother, I was a significant factor in the dividing of these once so close brothers and their families.

Nick Grinder and Daniel Cole at the celebration of their marriage.

My father had a different point of view. My father had an expectation that Jonathan be grateful to him as my father attributed much of Jonathan’s success to himself. According to my father, Jonathan never would have finished his PhD if it had not been for my father’s help. Also, when my father left the tenure track position at Columbia University this opened that track up to Jonathan. There was very little chance that both brothers would have received tenured professorships at the same university. So from my father’s point of view all of Jonathan’s success at Columbia was to some extent because of my father’s actions. Jonathan couldn’t write a book on his own until he was in his 60’s. His last two books on higher education had little to no input from my father; and quite honestly… I have not read the latest book, but “The Great American University” is a steaming pile of shit, in my opinion. Regardless, my father felt (had the expectation that) Jonathan owed him a debt of gratitude that was never paid.

My father being the emotionally stunted individual he was allowed this disappointment to grow into resentment and this furthered the divide between the brothers and their families.

Sylvia Cole hoklding Richard D. Cole when he was just three days old.
Sylvia Cole (Nana) holding me when I was just 3 days old.

My father also had a very close relationship to his mother, my Nana. He would go into his office and call her for an hour every day. Nana came to visit us on Long Island often. We went to visit with her often at her apartment in Queens. I am named after my father’s father who died when my dad was only 19. Due to me being named after the love of her life and me being the first born grandchild, I was my Nana’s favorite… not that she didn’t totally dote on the other grand children, but we had a special relationship above and beyond what she had with the 3 other grandchildren. Eventually, my father and I both felt disappointed in how his brother and his family treated Nana. Nana had the expectation to be allowed to be present and appreciated in my uncle’s family. By the end of her life Nana too felt very disappointed by the behavior towards her by my Uncle Jonathan and his children.

Sylvia Cole (Nana) holding Daniel Cole in 1975
Sylvia Cole (Nana) holding Daniel Cole in 1975

Despite routine efforts on the part of my Nana to be part of lives of Daniel and Susanna, my uncle’s children/my cousins, she was routinely rebuffed and eventually almost totally excluded. Nana had the expectation that because she was their grandmother and that because she loved them, that they would love her back and want to include her in their lives. This expectations and resulting disappointment had the effect of causing my Nana severe emotional pain and depression. The older Daniel and Susanna got the less Nana heard from them or saw them. She was even excluded from Susanna’s wedding which took place right in NYC while she lived half an hour away in Queens. Multiplying the hurt was the knowledge that the grandchildrens’ other grandmother, Joan Lewis, was included in everything.

Susanna Cole Bach, Joan Lewis (the favored grandmother) and Daniel Cole
Susanna Cole Bach, Joan Lewis (the favored grandmother) and Daniel Cole

I can’t find the words to express how hurt my Nana was by the exclusion she felt coming from her own son’s family. She spoke to me about it often. She cried about this often. She would send the kids gifts and not even get a thank you. She wasn’t the only one treated this way. Neither my brother or I were invited to our cousins’ weddings. My aunt and uncle did have a get together at their apartment several months after Daniel and Nick got married and I was invited to that. I took a lot of very nice pictures of the party and offered them to Daniel and Nick as a kind of wedding gift. I did not get so much as a thank you email or call or anything. Furthermore, and perhaps more insulting… they never even looked at the photos. I put the photos in a password protected gallery on my website and I get notified when someone signs in… they never even signed in to look at the pictures. I tried repeatedly to connect with both of my cousins and was rebuffed every single time.

This blog post has gone on much longer than I had anticipated… The good news is that I have learned my lesson… I no longer have expectations of anyone because I realize that expectations almost always lead to disappointment… and with enough repeated disappointment leads to depression. When I married Lena in 2011 I told her point blank that we should not have expectations of one another. I said that the only expectation I had of her and she should have of me is that we not cheat on one another and that we don’t leave the relationship. I held up my end, she couldn’t live with just those expectations and apparently consistently felt let down by me and eventually asked for a divorce. Now I live a life where the only expectations I have are of myself. Period.