Grief Comes in Waves…

Recently I was chatting with a young mother whose baby died in her arms shortly after being born too prematurely to survive. I check in on her every few days and I told her that grief comes in waves… That she shouldn’t be surprised if she feels better one day, or for a few days, and then the agonizing pain returns. I warned her that this will happen again and again, and may never end; the hope is that the period of time between waves will grow longer and longer as time goes on.

I should listen to my own words. I woke up this morning around 5AM and had a really nice conversation with a young man who has reached out to me because of this blog from South Asia. After showering and having my 2nd cup of coffee I went down to my office with the idea of editing some photos. I turned on my music app and a song that I love but had not listened to in a while came on… by the 2nd or 3rd bar I was in tears. The tears just welled up in my eyes and I could feel my heart expanding in my chest to the point it felt like it would burst. Then the tears just flowed.

The gut wrenching wave of grief struck me out of the blue and I felt like I couldn’t breath. It felt as if it took all of my bodies will to make my heart beat each beat. My brain was awash in sadness and of course, me being me, my initial response was to wish that I were dead. I wasn’t acutely suicidal or in any imminent danger to myself… I just wanted the pain to stop and my old “stand by” reaction to this type of stress is wishing I would just die.

The song was “Forever Young” by Alphaville…

I love this song… I have since it first came out… but it reminds me of Lena. This morning, out of the blue, when hearing this song all of the hurt Lena’s leaving me… pushing me out of her life… and the lives of her children who I helped raise for 8 years… all of that soul crushing, heart breaking pain came rushing in as if it had just happened all over again.

I recognized the stress for what it was and immediately turned off the music and forced myself to run some errands. But the “wave” didn’t stop when I turned the music off. Driving felt almost surreal as I wasn’t aware of consciously deciding to turn the wheel a certain way or press the gas or break… I was kind of on auto-pilot. I still felt like just breathing was taking all of the energy that my body and mind could muster. This lasted for more than an hour! Some quacks would call it a panic attack… but I would not. It was a grief wave.

As I am writing this, now 8 hours later, I am listening to “Forever Young” on repeat and I can feel those feelings without letting them push me to that “wish I were dead” spot and helping me write this post. It never ceases to amaze me how certain songs can provoke certain responses… and as time passes the invoked feelings can change. In the months prior to marrying Lena, I listened to this song alot and thought of it as a happy song. Now different verses of the song provoke very different feelings.

Prior to the marriage the first verse spoke the most to me and it rang as youthfully hopeful to me…

Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while
Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies
Hoping for the best, but expecting the worst

Now, almost 9 years later and fully knowing the whole marriage was a lie… that I was used and abused and then thrown out like a dead work horse… this verse rings truer to me…

It’s so hard to get old without a cause
I don’t want to perish like a fading horse
Youth’s like diamonds in the sun
And diamonds are forever

I have promised myself that I will NOT kill myself over Lena. I just won’t give her that satisfaction. I probably will kill myself some day, but not over her!

Love’s Delusions & Love Matured

I have been away from Lena for five weeks at this point.  One thing that has become crystal clear this past month is that love does truly blind us.  Love changes how we see the object of our desire.  Love allows us to let the little things, that would otherwise upset us, go.  Love has such enormous power over our brains that it can even change the way we see someone physically with our eyes.  Love often doesn’t make sense.

I spent most of the day yesterday feeling sad because I miss Lena so… despite the fact that she pushed me away… despite the fact that she has cruelly cut off all communication between us and between me and her kids whom I helped raise for eight years.  I miss her even though intellectually I can give ten reasons why we weren’t a good match for one another.  I yearn for her even though she was really unfair to me in our marriage and I can now see that she never accepted me for who I really am.  My heart physically aches even though Lena was often neither kind, loving or caring.  I don’t want to give the wrong impression here.  Lena is an amazing woman.  I love her with all of my heart and soul.

It’s very interesting to me… as I have been living through this round of heartbreak, I have noticed that some things are very different from love sorrows of the past.  People ask me, “What do you miss about Lena?”   I miss bringing her coffee in the mornings.  I miss wrapping my arm tightly around her as we fell asleep.  I miss washing her back and shampooing her hair.  I miss watching her dress in the morning and pulling the zipper up on her dress.  I miss cooking dinner for the kids and watching them enjoy it.  I miss watching the kids sporting events.  Almost all of the things I actively miss are things I did for Lena and her kids.  Whereas, during past episodes of heartbreak many of the things I missed were things the person had done for me.  Does this mean I have matured?  Am I less of the narcissistic prick I used to be?

I could very easily find someone else to bring coffee to… but I don’t find myself interested in doing these things for someone else.  Despite the negatives I now see more clearly as love’s blinders have been removed with time away from Lena…I still miss her.  I still ache in my very soul for her.  I still love her.

Love alters reality.  This isn’t just true of romantic love; it’s also true of familial love – but that is for another post.